Rituals - यज्ञः
The madness of doing things, the same things, again and again - it's a ritual (यज्ञः).
It can be pleasurable, to know what to do next, to have a set of activities that repeat at a time every single day, no matter what.
But, I insist it should be stoic, rather than pleasurable. Rituals for rituals sake bring the much hyped "discipline". It is that which helps you get better. Master something.
Our ancestors have done this quite a lot, as ritualistic chants of mantras. Many peer-reviewed studies show increased cognitive benefits like increased memory, a calmer temper, and better clarity of mind. I'm no fool to let go of these cognitive benefits.
With this, I commit to a few rituals.
Meditation - Clearing the mind, control the breathing, and
Writing - Not a journal, rather, short essays
Exercise - something that people struggle to make a ritual, comes unnaturally easy to me. If I'm able to carve out 45 minutes, I'm off to lifting heavy circles, no push necessary.
Rough first draft. Let the flood gates open.